Welcome to twentytwo.town!

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Let's meet up at port 22 to celebrate, experiment, and learn about text-based, smol computing along with the OpenBSD operating system. This server is explicitly against capitalism, states, fascists, cops, racists, antisemitism, sexists, harassment, homophobia, transphobia, ableists, and zionists.

What can you do in here? Let's figure it out together, but here are some ideas:

You can do much, much more, and I'm learning a lot myself! If you'd like to join me I have some activities planned for us.

If you'd like to learn more and become a member, the rest of this site is accessable by gemini protocol only. It's a small protocol that matches the minimalist, anti-capitalist values of this server. (Web technologies are complex, and are driven mostly by large, well-funded surveillance capitalists that can afford to work on that complexity.) Please visit us at gemini://twentytwo.town to see more. You can view it through the Smolnet Portal as well so that you don't have to install anything!